Press Conference of the RA NA Delegation to PACE is Held
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On October 6 the press conference of the NA Deputy Speaker, the Head of the RA NA Delegation to PACE Hermine Naghdalyan and the members of the Delegation Naira Karapetyan and Vahan Babayan was held, during which details were presented about the works of PACE Autumn Session.

Hermine Naghdalyan assessed effective the work of the delegation during this session. She noted that though there were no reports directly relating to Armenia on the agenda of PACE Plenary Session, however the delegation worked actively and tense. The Delegation had been involved in the current works of PACE Standing Committees. Mrs Naghdalyan has noted that at the sitting of PACE Monitoring Committee a statement was adopted on the constitutional reforms going on in Armenia, which, according to the Head of the Delegation, is a final evaluation connected with the positive procedure of the constitutional reforms. The NA Deputy Speaker has especially highlighted the emphasis in the statement, by which the PACE stipulates that the referendum to be held will be the popular assessment and calls on all political forces to do utmost in order the referendum is held in accordance with the international standards, and the people could make their decision.

Hermine Naghdalyan has also touched upon the work implemented in other Committees of the Assembly. The speaker Robert Walter again presented information on the procedure of the report by the document titled “The escalation of violence in Nagorno Karabakh and in other occupied territories of Azerbaijan.” Mrs Naghdalyan has underlined that it is the same handwriting both on this report and Sarsang Reservoir: to elongate the time and not to cooperate with the NK authorities, meanwhile the demand of the Armenian Delegation is that before preparing the report on Nagorno Karabakh or Sarsang Reservoir the speaker should visit that country or that territory, have contacts with the NK authorities and carry out fact finding mission. “The demand of the RA Delegation is logical, and it is important for us that the Assembly cooperates with the NK,” noted Mrs Naghdalyan.

The Head of the Delegation has underscored that at the PACE sittings the delegates have repeatedly expressed their dissatisfaction and stated that the developments taking place in Azerbaijan are inadmissible.

The member of the Delegation Naira Karapetyan noted that the Delegation joined to two recommendations. One of them relates to the PACE rapporteurs’ document directed to the reduction of the corruption risks, which to Mrs Karapetyan’s conviction, is one more step to prevent the dissemination of ‘caviar’ in Europe. The RA NA Delegation joined the Catalonian MP’s initiated document, where the right to the nations’ self-determination is stipulated.

Naira Karapetyan noted that in her speech she referred to the generated migration crisis in Europe, the participation of Armenia to that process, our compatriots’ situation in Syria and Iraq. In this context Mrs Karapetyan reminded her European colleagues about the Armenian Genocide.

Vahan Babayan informed that the Delegation had struck an anti-attack to its enemies at the diplomatic platform as granted. In his speeches Mr Babayan touched upon the cases of breaches of border regime, the border escalation, the aggressive policy being pursued by Azerbaijan, the decisions “Chiragov against Armenia” and “Sargsyan against Azerbaijan” adopted by the ECHR and drew the attendees' attention to the speculations of the Azerbaijani side distorting the reality.

The members of the Delegation also answered the journalists’ questions.

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