Open Lesson in the National Assembly
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On October 8 the students and lecturers of Yerevan State University of Economics visited the parliament within the framework of the NA Open Doors programme.

Welcoming the students the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Hermine Naghdalyan presented the activities of the parliament, touched a number of issues relating to the economy of the country.

The Deputy Speaker of the parliament has highlighted the Open Doors programme, noting that it gives opportunity to get acquainted with the issues concerning the public through the young people.

The students addressed numerous questions to the Deputy Speaker which referred to the upgrading of the newest technologies, the allocations of different branches of economy through the state budget, the programmes and possibilities for creating new jobs in Armenia.

At the end of the visit the students have been taken a photo with the NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan in the Session Hall of the National Assembly.

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