RA NA Speaker Meets with the Speaker of the RF Federal Council of the Federal Assembly Valentina Matvienko
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On October 18 the RA NA Galust Sahakyan met with Valentina Matvienko, the Speaker of the Federal Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The meeting took place within the framework of the 133rd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU): the details of the works being done at international platforms by the two countries were discussed.

In her talk with the RA NA Speaker Valentina Matvienko touched upon the recent developments of the Armenian-Russian relations and the cooperation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. Valentina Matvienko particularly has noted that the Russian Federation, being under the influence of international certain punitive means, nevertheless, overcomes them and develops the economy. Mrs Matvienko has assured that the Armenian-Russian friendly and strategic relations continue to develop and strengthen day by day. Touching upon the geopolitical recent developments and the current situation, Valentina Matvienko has opined that the best model of the development of the economy is the creation of the united unions of the states, where the opportunities of the participant states increase.

The RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan thanked Mrs Matvienko for the meeting and has noted that in the basis of the allied strategic partnership of Armenia and Russia is not only the mutually beneficial cooperation, but also the centuries-old friendship, cultural and spiritual closeness of the two brotherly peoples. The RA NA Speaker noted: “Today we can document that the mutual visits of regular basis at different levels promote the strengthening of the Armenian-Russian relations and give opportunity to discuss many agenda items.”

Speaking about the inter-parliamentary cooperation of the two countries at international levels, Galust Sahakyan has noticed that the mutual support in international organisations stems from the allied interests of the two countries.

The RA NA Speaker and the Speaker of the RF Federal Council of the Federal Assembly discussed the details of Mrs Matvienko’s expecting visit to the Republic of Armenia in November, which will precede the 27th sitting of the Armenian-Russian Inter-Parliamentary Committee.

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