Conference Organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy is Held in Düsseldorf
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On October 8 the member of the RA NA Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.), the NA deputy Aragats Akhoyan took part in the conference with subject “World War II – Christian viewpoint: 70 years later” organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, which was held in the city of Düsseldorf of the Federal Republic of Germany.

About 50 delegates from different countries: spiritual leaders of Orthodoxy and other Christian churches, parliamentarians and intellectuals took part in the conference. Along with many speeches, the RA NA deputy Aragats Akhoyan talked about Zangezur and Artsakh, as historically Armenian lands.

Mr Akhoyan also touched upon the manifestations of fascism. In his speech he noted: “As 70 years ago, today also there are forces next to us, which have not forgotten the Pan-Turkish programmes and like the ideologists of fascism also dream about geographically united territory. And we, like 70 years ago, and today, remember both the history and our real friends, leaning on Christian roots and joint victories.”