NA Standing Committees Convene Sittings
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On November 6 the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs moderated by Hovhannes Sahakyan debated the draft law “On Amending the RA Civil Code” in the first reading. The key reporter Edmon Marukyan presented the draft law and added that it was debated with the deputies.

The draft law with the endorsement will be included on the agenda of the eighth session of the NA fifth convocation.

The Committee debated and submitted for the endorsement the draft law “On Amending the RA Judicial Code” presented by the Government. The key speaker, the RA First Deputy Justice Minister Arsen Mkrtchyan presented the draft law.

The draft law with the endorsement will be included on the agendas of the eighth session of the NA fifth convocation and the four-day sittings.

The debate of the draft law “On Amending the RA Law on Administrative Action and Administrative Proceedings” authored by the deputies of the NA Rule of Law Faction was postponed up to one year.

The Committee also debated the package of the draft law and adjacent other laws “On Amending the RA Law on Administrative Action and Administrative Proceedings” and the draft law “On Amending the RA Criminal Code” authored by Edmon Marukyan, but they were not endorsed.

On the same day the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs moderated by Vardan Ayvazyan debated the legislative package “On Amendments to the RA Law on Energy Saving and Renewable Energy” and to a number of laws conditioned by it submitted by the RA Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Areg Galstyan in the first reading.

Armen Yeghiazaryan, Director of the State Institution National Centre for Legislative Regulation of the RA Government Staff, submitted for debate the RA Law “On the Notification on the Implementation of Activities” and the legislative package adjacent to it in the first reading.

The bill “On Amending the RA Law on Taxes” presented by the RA Deputy Minister of Finance Vakhtang Mirumyan, was also debated in the first reading.

The RA Deputy Minister of Economy Emil Tarasyan submitted for debate in the first reading the bill “On Amending the RA Law on Tax Exemption of Economic Activities in Frontier Rural Communities .”

The debate of the draft law “On Amending the RA Law on State Duty” authored by the NA deputy Tigran Urikhanyan was postponed up to one year.