Meeting-Discussion at the NA Standing Committee
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On December 11 the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs Koryun Nahapetyan met with the teachers and pupils of Yerevan Gevorg Emin N 182 Senior School. The representatives of Vazgen Sargsyan Military Institute of the RA Ministry of Defense, the RA Police Educational Complex Academy and the students of Northern University took part in the meeting-discussion. The topic of the discussion was the School, the Armed Forces and the parliament.

The Committee members Tevan Poghosyan and Khachatur Kokobelyan attended the meeting.

Koryun Nahapetyan, welcoming the guests in the National Assembly, presented the spheres of the activities and the work done by the Committee. He highlighted the meeting not only in terms of encouraging the patriotic and active pupils, but also strengthening the school-parliament-armed forces-police connection. The Committee Chairman considered important the increase of the schoolchildren’s interest towards the military work, and this meeting was also directed to it. He expressed hope that during the meeting the pupils would listen to the answers of the questions concerning them, the representatives of the educational institutions would find out what the youth was interested in their spheres, how they could make more attractive their specialties, and the Committee would register what sphere the youth was interested in.

Afterwards the student of Vazgen Sargsyan Military Institute of the RA Ministry of Defense Virab Hayrikyan, the student of Armenak Khanperyants Military Aviation Institute of the RA Ministry of Defense Narine Muradyan and the student of the Educational Academy of the RA Police Samvel Smbatyan presented the everyday life of the educational institutions, the problems and the peculiarities, the professions being taught and the spheres of cooperation. They touched upon the problem of completing the officers’ staff of the Armenian Army, the issues relating to the expediency of the girls’ serving in the Army, the strengthening of the young people’s military-patriotic upbringing, the internal security of the country and the maintenance of the public order.

The Committee members Tevan Poghosyan and Khachatur Kokobelyan also presented their vision of having powerful and secure state and in that issue particularly emphasized the role of the educated, well-informed and patriotic youth.

Afterwards the meeting continued in more sincere atmosphere, and the pupils addressed numerous questions to the Committee members and the representatives of the military and police institutions, which related to the perspectives of continuing the education in the military and police educational centres, the conditions created for the girls and boys, the steps taken by our country in the sphere of the national security, the implemented Constitutional amendments, the upcoming developments over the NK conflict, the cases of the ceasefire regime violation by Azerbaijan and in that issue the steps by the OSCE Minsk Group, the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, the opportunity of opening the Armenian-Turkish border, the possibility of the power shift in Azerbaijan and other regional and world problems.

In their speeches the participants of the meeting highlighted the continuity of such meetings and underlined that this was one more step for the strengthening of the young people’s military-patriotic upbringing.

The meeting ended with handing over professional books to the pupils.

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