Galust Sahakyan’s Congratulatory Message on Army Day
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The RA NA President’s congratulatory message reads:

“Dear compatriots, I congratulate you on Army Day.

Today is the day of our army, and serving among them is an honour and a mission.

It is the army, which stands at the sources of our independence of almost 25 years: it is the army of our independence.

It is the army that is the pledge of our present and future, the guarantor of peace: it is the army of peace.

It is the army which we believe in without reservation and without formalities: we hand over to its preservation not only our soil, but also our faith: it is the army of our faith and belief.

It is the army which we have trusted our house and family: it is the army of our trust.

It is the army that was borne in the state, out of the people and in the society: it is the army of our state, people, society, everybody’s army, the dearest of all kinds of riches that we have.

Due to every soldier and officer’s dignified service to the army, and to every hero who has dedicated his life to it, we consider our country safe and our right and opportunity to live guaranteed.

Once again congratulating you on Army Day, I express my gratitude and send my best wishes especially to the young people, who are today on military service, the parents, who have given soldiers to the Motherland, unfortunately, often without return, but crowned with eternal glory and honour, to the families, where a future soldier is brought up, to the mothers, whose soldier son accepts the Motherland like his mother, whose officer son treats his soldier like a parent, to those fathers, whose military sons appreciate the soldier like fathers do, to those sisters and brothers, who look at every soldier like a close relative, feeling kinship with him.

I congratulate everybody, being thankful to our army, its soldier and officer for the secure country, the unquenchable hope towards it, the unshakable faith and endless love.

I wish you peace, welfare and optimism.”

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