NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov Meets with the Students
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On February 16, the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov met with a group of students of YSU Faculty of International Relations and European Regional Academy.

By the NA Deputy Speaker’s proposal, the meeting went on in the Q & A session: during about two-hour meeting in a sincere atmosphere Eduard Sharmazanov answered the questions concerning the students, which related to the regional key problems, the Armenian-Turkish, Russian-Turkish relations and its influence on Armenia, the issue of Karabakh conflict settlement, the Constitutional reforms and its impact on the RA foreign policy, etc.

Touching upon the issue of Karabakh conflict settlement, the NA Deputy Speaker has underlined that the realization of the right to Artsakh people’s self-determination has no alternative, and the Nagorno Karabakh cannot ever have lower status, than it has now.

Highlighting such meetings with young generation, the NA Deputy Speaker urged the students to be purposeful and never get disappointed and be engaged with uninterrupted improvement of knowledge. In this context Eduard Sharmazanov highlighted the maintenance of the Christian system of values and its immaculate transmission to generations.