Concert is Held within the Framework of the RA NA Dissemination of Classical Art Programme
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On February 20, the programme Dissemination of Classical Art initiated by the RA National Assembly, which is implemented under the high patronage of the RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan. Within the framework of the programme the dissemination of all branches of classical art is envisaged by holding concerts, exhibitions and other events. The first event, which was the beginning of the programme, was the concert of the classical music of Ghazaros Saryan String Quartet, which took place in Stepanakert. During the concert the Armenian and foreign composers’ works, particularly, the works by Komitas, Ruben Altunyan, Mozart, Astor Piazzolla, Strauss, and Puccini. The first concert was dedicated to Artsakh Rebirth Day.

The Speaker of the NKR National Assembly Ashot Ghulyan, the NKR Minister of Culture Narine Aghabalyan, the NKR NA deputies, public and cultural figures and fans of classical art attended the concert.

The RA NA Dissemination of Classical Art Programme is educational and educative, has a goal to approach the community of Armenia to all branches of classical art, to awaken love among them towards art. To reach that goal numerous events will be carried out in the marzes of the Republic of Armenia and Artsakh: concerts, exhibitions, lectures, etc. The events will be implemented under the high patronage of the RA National Assembly Speaker Galust Sahakyan.

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