Members of the RA NA Delegation Meet with the Head of Korea-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
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On March 10, the members of the Delegation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia being in the Republic of Korea met with Young-min Noh, the Head of Korea-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. The Head of the Delegation Samvel Farmanyan thanked Young-min Noh for the invitation to visit the Republic of Korea and expressed hope that the Armenian-Korean relations will continue developing as a result of close cooperation between the parliaments. In his word, Samvel Faramanyan highly assessed Young-min Noh’s efforts directed to the activation of the Armenian-Korean inter-parliamentary cooperation.

At the meeting the sides touched upon the Armenian Genocide problem. The members of the Armenian Delegation highlighted Mr Noh’s efforts aimed at voicing the Armenian Genocide problem, witnessing his authored book “Modern Tragedy,” and in the First Chapter of which the Armenian Genocide problem was referred to. In the course of the meeting Samvel Farmanyan conveyed to Mr Noh the invitation of the participation to the Second Global Forum Against Crime of Genocide to be held in Yerevan in April.

Samvel Farmanyan has noted that there is great interest in Armenia towards Korean culture and language, and the activities of the Korean Language Centre in Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences testifies to it.

The sides touched upon the necessity of the expansion of the bilateral trade-economic, cultural ties. During the meeting thoughts were exchanged about the situation in the Korean Peninsula, the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, as well as other international problems. The Head of Korea-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group noted that the peoples’ right to self-determination should be laid in the basis of the solution of the Karabakh conflict.

Visit of the RA NA Delegation to the Republic of Korea Continues
On March 11, the Delegation led by the Head of Armenia-Korea Parliamentary Friendship Group of the RA National Assembly Samvel Farmanyan visited the Korea International Cooperation Agency of (KOICA). The deputies took a tour in the KOICA, getting acquainted with its history and activities.Afterwards...