Visit of the RA NA Standing Committee to the RA Road Police
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On March 21, the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs Koryun Nahapetyan, the members of the Committee Edmon Marukyan and Ishkhan Khachatryan were in the Road Police (RP) Service of the RA Police within the framework of the working visit.

Koryun Nahapetyan has noted that the Committee led by him designed to hold parliamentary hearings in future to discuss the problems existing in the sphere of provision of road traffic safety, and the goal of their visit is to get information from those responsible of the RP on the problems of that sphere and listen to their recommendations.

During the meeting with the Chief of the Road Police Service of the RA Police Armen Hakobyan the NA deputies were interested in the results of the legislative reforms of the sphere, the statistics of the road accidents after the installation of the video cameras and speedometre devices, the necessity of the expediency and efficiency of the investment of those technical means and the revision of the amount of administrative fine sizes established for the violations of road traffic rules. Armen Hakobyan presented the procedure of the reforms underway in the sphere of the RP, the registration of the transport means, the works done in the accounting, the reforms on the process of the drivers’ license allocation.

The NA deputies also visited the Final Recording Centre of the violations of the RP road traffic rules and got acquainted with the peculiarities of the work.

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