RA NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov Has a Private Talk with Vice President of German Bundestag
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During his visit to Poland the RA NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov in his private talk with the Vice President of the German Bundestag Johannes Singhammer presented in detail the consequences of the military aggression unleashed at the beginning of April by Azerbaijan. It has particularly been documented that the handwriting of ISIS terrorist organization is noticeable in Azerbaijan’s actions. Eduard Sharmazanov informed the Vice President of the Bundestag that Aliyev’s criminal administration through many years was speaking about the solution of the conflict through military means and acting in that way, and the untargeted exhortations of the international community, closing an eye to obvious facts, i.e. the impunity resulted in the Azerbaijani military aggression occurred at the beginning of April.

According to Mr Sharmazanov, the Republic of Armenia has permanently proved that it is for the peaceful solution of the problem, which is always refused by Aliyev’s criminal power. Once again stressing that the Artsakh people’s inseparable right of living in independent, free and secure country has been confirmed by national referendum, Eduard Sharmazanov has noted that it is necessary to make the independence of Nagorno Karabakh Republic an international agenda item. He has also noted that the Azerbaijani authorities even in its criminal actions, unfortunately have an ally: Turkey evidently shows its support to Aliyev’s crimes which take place on the Armenian territories.

The Vice President of the German Bundestag Johannes Singhammer has assured that Germnay also is for solving the conflicts through peaceful means, and as a member of the Minsk Group it will make efforts in order the NK problem is also solved through peaceful negotiations.

The Vice President of the German Bundestag also informed his colleague that in June of this year the Bundestag will discuss the issue of the Armenian Genocide recognition.

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