Conference of the Presidents of the APF for European Regional Sections Held in France
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On May 2-4 the Meeting of the Chairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie for the European Regional Sections was held in Cap Berton (France), where the Head of the RA NA Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie (APF) took part. Let us note that delegations of 15 countries took part in the Meeting.

During the Meeting the Section of France presented the results of the works of the Second Forum dedicated to the economic cooperation in Francophonie territory, as well as the Final Report of the programme implemented in Warsaw University by the APF European Region. Margarit Yesayan delivered a speech on different issues and thoroughly touched upon the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Nagorno Karabakh at the beginning of April, the atrocities committed by the Azerbaijani armed forces and the consequences on the negotiation process of the NK conflict. She especially underlined the necessity of restarting the negotiations with the participation of the NK, and in general, the international recognition of Nagorno Karabakh. Mrs Yesayan also called on to make targeted those guilty for the ceasefire regime and the criticism directed to the provokers of the war action, which will restrain the Azerbaijani side and make them return to the political path of the conflict settlement.

The President of the APF for the European Region Jean-Paul Wahl highlighted similar speeches and the discussion on that theme, noting that the prevention and the settlement of the conflicts, the strengthening of peace, among other issues are part of the goals and mission declared by Francophonie. He proposed to convey the speech to the Committee on Political Affairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie.