Meeting at RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration
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On May 17, the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan met with the Member of the Bundestag Ulla Jelpke, the Member of Hamburg Parliament Martin Dolzer and the Representative of Altona Community Hasan Burgucuoglu.

Mrs Zohrabyan thanked the guests for visiting Armenia, as well as the day after Nagorno Karabakh. The Committee Chair has noted that at this moment Armenia and Artsakh both have in reality the need of unbiased and objective assessment of the international community. She presented the military crimes committed by Azerbaijan in the first days of April war, provide documents to German MPs, photos confirming military operations committed by Azerbaijan, noting that legal process has already begun by the family members of tortured and beheaded soldiers and combatants in qualifying as military crime what has been done by the Azerbaijani armed forces at international instances.

Naira Zohrabyan highlighted the work done by the parliamentarians of Armenia and Germany in international structures, noting that, unfortunately, particularly, the work with German Delegation in PACE to certain extent is constrained because of strong pro-Azerbaijani and biased position of some representatives of the German Delegation.

Both sides touched upon issues regarding the Draft Resolution on the Armenian Genocide to be debated in the Bundestag of Germany on June 2. Naira Zohrabyan has noted that Germany has had strength to recognize the Holocaust, with that once again documenting that it's a strong state, and it simply shall recognize the Armenian Genocide, even today and Turkey's distinct influenceon Germany  has always been evident.

The German MPs also raised the issue of heavy weapons being sold to Azerbaijan by Russia. Naira Zohrabyan has noted that that problem is a rather sensitive and painful issue in Armenia, which they have touched upon and will still touch upon.

Ulla Jelpke has noted that their political force, the Left Party, is against the military operations and highlights the peaceful settlement of the problems. She referred to the necessity of the inclusion of the materials on the Armenian Genocide in the educational programmes of Germany. Mrs Jelpke especially emphasized their visit to Artsakh for getting familiarized with the problems on the spot.