Galust Sahakyan’s Congratulatory Message on Republic Day
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The NA President’s message reads:

“Dear compatriots, I congratulate you on one of our most important state holidays, Republic Day!

This is the holiday, by which the history of our statehood was affirmed, a history, about which though we speak from the distance of about 100 years, however with its heroism is fresh, topical and impressive.

The First Republic of Armenia was created with the fatal call voiced for the salvation of the Motherland, which stemmed from everybody’s soul, and united arming everybody for the sake of the country, against those who threaten the country and against those who put in doubt the future of our people. That call, due to its consolidating force the glorious battle-victories of Sardarapat, Bash Aparan, Gharakilisa of our history were borne, thanks to which the First Republic of Armenia was borne, reached till our days and is audible to all parts of our people in Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora. That call in their ears, for the sake of the Motherland recently our soldiers and officers again became heroes, the voluntaries and the freedom-fighters again got united.

Dear compatriots, ahead of the 25th anniversary of the declaration of the Third Republic of Armenia the First Republic of Armenia with its short-term existence is more highlighted in terms of historical importance and experience of statehood. It was a phenomenon which needs evaluation, it was an event, which was crucial, it was an experience which was a specific course of creating and governing a state. About a century after the First Republic we feel the spirit that reaches us, our family and work place, army and border from Sardarapat, Bash Aparan, Gharakilisa and advances us to more confidently write today’s and tomorrow’s history of our statehood and people with united efforts and practical steps.

Once again congratulating you on Republic Day, I wish all of us peace, optimism and faith to the thing that tomorrow we and our generations will live better in Armenia, recording bigger successes.”