At Press Conference Work of the 27th Sitting of Inter-parliamentary Committee on Cooperation between RA NA and RF FA Summed up
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On June 7, the press conference of the RA NA Deputy Speaker, the Co-Chair of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee on Cooperation between the RA National Assembly and the RF Federal Assembly Hermine Naghdalyan was held, where details were presented on the agenda items of the 27th sitting of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee held in Moscow and Kazan on June 2-4. Let us note that the first part of the sitting was held in Moscow, and the continuation in Kazan.

Hermine Naghdalyan noted with satisfaction that the 13 members of the Delegation worked rather active, consolidated and coordinated over the key items of the sitting.

In Moscow within the framework of the sitting the Armenian Delegation met with the First Deputy Chairman of the RF Federal Council Nikolay Fyodorov.

During the meeting the Armenian parliamentarians raised questions over the essential problems of the Armenian-Russian cooperation, putting the main emphasis on the Armenian-Russian allied relations.

The agenda items of the sitting related to the possibilities of the expansion of the social-economic and cultural cooperation between Armenia and Russia, the EEC, the situation in Nagorno Karabakh (NK) after April War.

Both the Armenian and Russian delegates took part in the active disputes regarding the NK. The political analyst, Doctor of Political Sciences Sergey Minasyan taking part in the works of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee on Cooperation presented the military-political and diplomatic processes, which took place in the April war days, talked about their reasons, goals, and the violations of the international legal norms by Azerbaijan. As a co-reporter the representative of the Foreign Ministry of Russia Igor Gromiko took part in the debate, who expressed his concern about resuming the military operations unleashed by Azerbaijan, the violations of the ceasefire regime and reaffirmed the Russian side’s approach, according to which, the 1994 Ceasefire Treaty is the only and termless document, which is in the basis of all developments.

The sitting continued in Kazan, where within the framework of the sitting the Armenian Delegation met with the Chairman of Tatarstan State Council Farid Mukhametshin, the First President of the country Mintimer Shaimiev, the members of the State Council and the Deputy Prime Minister.

In the second part of the Committee Sitting issues regarding the social-economic developments of cooperation, the expansion of the economic and humanitarian cooperation were discussed, trying to study the economic possibilities of the RF different regions, particularly of Tatarstan. The possibilities of the creation of free economic zones, the achievements of Tatarstan in the newest technology sphere, and the possibilities of the foreign investment involvement were presented.

Mrs Naghdalyan noted that at the end of the sitting a protocol was signed, where for the first time with the participation of the structure of other country it was recorded that large scale violations of ceasefire regime were unleashed by Azerbaijan, which occurred along the whole NK border, as well as on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. The document has reaffirmed also the Russian side’s claims that the violations of the ceasefire are inadmissible, and the parties do not see any opportunity of the solution through military means, but they think that the only opportunity is the peaceful negotiation under the mandate of the Minks Group Co-Chairs.

Hermine Naghdalyan also answered the journalists’ questions.