At Press Conference Results of Works of NATO PA Summed Up
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At June 9 press conference, the Head of the RA NA Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly Koryun Nahapetyan, members of the Delegation Tevan Poghosyan and Mikayel Melkumyan summed up the results of the works of NATO PA Spring Session held in Tirana, in the capital of Albania on May 28-30.

Koryun Nayapetyan has noted that the works of the Spring Session were held in the atmosphere of debates. The themes related to the problems of international security and different challenges. To his assessment, the three-day debates have shown that, certainly, there are numerous concerns connected with the strengthening of security environment.

It was noted that on July 8-9 in Warsaw the Summit of the Heads of NATO states and governments will take place, and in that context different draft reports during this Spring Session, as well as the Declaration were addressed to Warsaw Summit.

Koryun Nahapetyan has underlined that the Armenian Delegation took part in all debates of the Political Committee, Defence and Security Committee, Economics and Security Committee, Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security and Science and Technology Committee, voiced questions and presented its position.

The Head of the Delegation presented details on the works of the Political Committee, where the atmosphere was tense: the Azerbaijani delegates repeatedly tried to deviate from the agenda items and touch upon the Nagorno Karabakh (NK) conflict.

Mr Nahapetyan has informed that the Armenian Delegation submitted clarification in written form related to a number of issues, noting that it has not found expedient the debate the NK problem in NATO Spring Session, stressing that the only functioning format for the NK conflict settlement, the format of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, and in the remaining all platforms, including in the parliamentary format, to make the problem a matter of special debate does not stem from the investment of the effective mechanisms of the conflict settlement. Though a decision was made not to debate the NK problem, nevertheless the Heads of the Armenian and the Azerbaijani Delegations were given opportunity to make relevant statement. The Head of the Azerbaijani Delegation made accusations already known for everybody addressed to the Armenian side, to which the Mr Nahapetyan responded. In his statement the Head of the Armenian Delegation with distinct, concrete facts presented that at the beginning of April the military aggression occurred by Azerbaijan. The statement indicated the cases of violation of the international humanitarian law norms, the atrocities and tortures committees by the Azerbaijani armed forces were presented, the hatred campaign being carried out by the Azerbaijani authorities, and the case of Ramil Safarov’s extradition. The Azerbaijani side voiced accusation that Armenia threatens to use nuclear weapon against Azerbaijan, about which the Armenian side responded.

“We have reaffirmed our will that the Armenian authorities don’t see military settlement of the conflict. We have also mentioned the agreements reached in Vienna and expressed hope that the international community will be consistent in its responses,” Mr Nahapetyan said.

Afterwards the Head of the Delegation briefly presented the debates held in the Defence and Security Committee, where the participants touched upon the new imperatives of defence, the implementation of agreements reached in Wales the perspectives of Warsaw Summit in the context of expansion of the defence capabilities.

In the last day of the Session an opportunity was given to address questions to NATO Secretary General and the Draft Declaration 428 On a United and Resolute Agenda for NATO at the Warsaw Summit was discussed. Koryun Nahapetyan’s question was addressed to the situation in the Near East and the fighting against terrorism.

Mikayel Melkumyan noted that he took part in the Economics and Security Committee, where the debates went on purposeful and targeted. he touched upon the Azerbaijani Delegation’s aggressive behaviour in the abovementioned Committee, to which the Armenian side gave a decent answer. In Mr Melkumyan’s word, they have distinctly indicated that Aliyev’s corrupted power unleashed an aggression at the beginning of April for deviating his people’s attention from the inner social problems, and it failed.

Tevan Poghosyan took part in the debates of the Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security and Science and Technology Committee, addressed questions and delivered speeches. In the press conference he, particularly touched upon the report on the OSCE Monitoring Observation in Ukraine. Mr Poghosyan also talked about the 91st Rose-Roth Joint Seminar of NATO PA Mediterranean and Near East Special Group held in Rabat and noted that there also the Armenian Delegation presented details to his counterparts about the Azerbaijani adventurism.

The members of the Delegation also answered the journalists’ questions.

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