“We Are Ready to Provide Artsakh People’s Security,” Eduard Sharmazanov Says to Ambassador of Kazakhstan
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On June 15, the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Armenia Timur Urazaev and Adviser Zhalgal Adilbaev.

The NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov congratulated the Ambassador on the occasion of his appointment and highlighted the further development of the relations with the Republic of Kazakhstan and in that context especially considered essential the formation of the active and effective cooperation between the Friendship Groups of the parliaments of the two countries. Talking about the work of Armenia and Kazakhstan in different Inter-Parliamentary Assemblies, the NA Deputy Speaker emphasized the more agreed partnership cooperation and the availability of the positions not contradicting each other.

At the meeting the issues of the Nagorno Karabakh (NK) conflict settlement, the Armenian Genocide recognition and condemnation and the Armenian-Turkish relations were touched upon.

Referring to the issue of the NK conflict settlement the NA Deputy Speaker has particularly reaffirmed that Armenia is exclusively for the peaceful settlement of the problem. “We don’t want war: we are exclusively for the peaceful settlement of the problem, but we are ready to provide the Artsakh people’s security,” the NA Deputy Speaker noted. In this context he has mentioned that the statements sounded by Azerbaijan are not serious and are absurd, and they don’t stem from the negotiation logic.

The NA Deputy Speaker has informed about the Armenian-Turkish relations that Turkey has been keeping Armenia under blockade for already 23 years, what is unacceptable in the 21st century, and has been speaking in the language of preconditions, which is also unacceptable in the process of the settlement of relations.

Eduard Sharmazanov also touched upon the necessity of the Armenian Genocide recognition and condemnation by the civilized world, noting that the denial of genocides is fraught with the danger of repetition of new genocides.

Thanking for the reception, Ambassador Timur Uruzaev attached importance to the establishment of the balanced and constructive relations with the partner countries, considered necessary the development of partnership with Armenia and the deepening of cooperation at inter-parliamentary level and in the trade-economic spheres. The Ambassador deemed as priority the discussion of the issues and problems of common interest. Timur Uruzaev has also noted that Kazakhstan is especially interested in the RA legislation and the exchange of experience in that sphere.

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