Employees of RA National Assembly Take Part in Exchange Programme in Germany
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At the invitation and support of Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung/Political (KAS) Foundation of Christian-Democratic Union of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) within the framework of experience exchange and dialogue programme the advisers and assistants of the RA National Assembly Deputy Speakers visited the Federal Republic of Germany from October 16-21.

During the visit the participants had meetings in FRG Bundestag, in the residence of the Federal Chancellor, as well as in other state institutions.

In June the Konrad-Adenauer Political Foundation of Germany on behalf of the Head of Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Caucasus Thomas Schrapel initiated a programme of experience exchange and study for the representatives of the NA Staff, taking into consideration that a part of the parliamentary work is done through the experts, assistants and advisers of the Staff. Already in October the RA NA employees had opportunity to get acquainted with their German colleagues working in the German Parliament and Government, their works on the spot, talk to the MPs of the Bundestag and to be in their precincts.

The RA NA employees being in Germany by the experience exchange programme an opportunity was given to attend the works of the city community government and also to get familiarized with them. The participants visited the cities of Potsdam, Bürgel and Jena with that purpose, met with the representatives of the city authorities.

The organizers and the participants have noted with satisfaction that such initiatives promote the efficiency of the organization of the parliamentary work, give good opportunity to the young specialists for the exchange of experience.

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