Members of RA NA Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly Sum up Works of Annual Session
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On November 25, the Head of the RA NA Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) Koryun Nahapetyan, Members of the Delegation Tevan Poghosyan and Mikayel Melkumyan presented details on the works of NATO PA Annual Session held in Istanbul on November 18-21 at the press conference.

Koryun Nahapetyan informed that the Delegation actively took part in the works of the Annual Session, made interpellations and recommendations in the Committees and in the plenary sitting.

6 Resolutions were debated and adopted, 16 reports were approved at the sitting, related to different problems of global and regional security. Talking about debated issues, the Head of the Delegation noted that during this session a number of officials from Turkey – the Foreign Minister, the Head of the Headquarters of the Armed Forces, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Science and Technology and others – also delivered speeches. The debates in Q & A followed their speeches, where the Armenian delegates voiced certain issues and presented their concerns. Mr Nahapetyan noted that by the format established by the NATO PA Rules of Procedure an opportunity had not been given to deliver speeches and present viewpoints.

Mr Nahapetyan also informed that the Italian delegate Paulo Alli was elected the new President of NATO PA, with whom the Members of the Armenian Delegation have had long-term and effective cooperation.

The Members of the Delegation Tevan Poghosyan and Mikayel Melkumyan presented their work done in the relevant Committees of NATO PA, touched upon the debated items, the economic and inner-political situation of Turkey, the arrests of the citizens and deputies after the coup occurred in Turkey and the negative assessments of a number of European delegates on them. Thus, some of the European delegates qualified those processes occurred in Turkey as actions having no connection with democracy.

The Head of the Delegation Koryun Nahpetyan noted that in the Committees on Political Affairs and Defense, on Security and at the plenary sitting the Armenian delegates raised issues on the Armenian-Turkish closed borders, the relations of the neighbouring countries by Turkey, negative role of Turkey in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, to which the Turkish officials had not given a distinct answer, on the contrary, as Koryun Nahapetyan noticed, theTurkish officials’ response had been nervous, showing as if the Armenian side’s statements and claims did not correspond with the reality.

The Members of the Delegation answered the journalists’ questions.

Summing up the press conference, Koryun Nahpetyan emphasized the work of the Armenian Delegations in different Parliamentary Assemblies and noted that the Armenian Delegation does its utmost for presenting the viewpoints stemming from our national interests.

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