Speech by Member of RA NA Delegation to PACE Naira Karapetyan at PACE Session
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“It is a kind of tradition to thank the rapporteur for the good job done, but unfortunately it’s impossible to follow this tradition in this case. A very sensitive and important topic has become an issue to manipulate very strong political issues and play not only with high politics but also with human lives.

Let me shortly brief. In the paragraph 9 of this document there is a statement that has nothing to do with the reality. The rapporteur is sure that “the protection of media freedom under Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ETS No. 5) is also absent in other territories of member States” meaning the conflict areas, including Nagorno-Karabakh. The rapporteur didn’t even familiarize himself with the Human Rights watchdog statistics including Freedom House reports, where freedom of media in Nagorno-Karabakh is recognized as partly free. That record is much better than the Azerbaijani data.

The rapporteur ignores these facts even after being provided with the proper information, even more – he was absolutely closed for any kind of cooperation. He didn’t request any information about the area he refers to, surprisingly stopped receiving emails and phone calls after we asked him to rely not only on Azerbaijani propaganda.

Instead of having a report with deep analyses on this crucial issue, the rapporteur steps into political wording, again using one-sided wording, dangerous phases, that bring us to sad events of April 2016. Having support of PACE in succeeding with such kind of report with the same wording, is also influenced on initiating overt offensive operations in the line of contact using heavy weaponry by Azerbaijan just in couple of months.

By the way, during this 4-day-war, as it was called later, a great number of key international media visited Nagorno-Karabakh – only on 1-8 April there were 68 journalists, 37 media organizations, and later about 100 journalists joined them, having broadcasts from the exact places of armed operations. I may name them - CNN, RAI, Al Jazeera, New York Times, Lifenews, Medusa, etc. Many of you may remember the live interviews with Foreign Affairs Minister of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic on CNN. Does it prove that there is no freedom of media in this area? No, it proves quite the opposite.

I would sadly declare that preparing reports without visits and deep researches of the areas the report is becoming common for us. A year ago we all together rejected such a report; let’s stop this bad tendency in Cradle of Democracy. Let’s not close our eyes on the fact, that Cradle of Democracy step by step is becoming a Cradle of Corruption. I really don’t want to use this wording, but the interview of rapporteur Volodymyr Ariev with apologies to Azerbaijani president, his expressions of big love to him and his country proves deep interest of presenting Azerbaijani interests.

Let’s not let anyone play with our reputation.”

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