Meeting in Parliament
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On March 29, the Deputy Speaker of the RA National Assembly Eduard Sharmazanov hosts a group of students of the Faculty of International Relations of Yerevan State University and the Public Administration Academy of the RA, who were passing their practice in the RA legislative body.

By the proposal of the NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov, the meeting went on in the Q & A session, in an unconstrained atmosphere.

The NA Deputy Speaker answered the students’ questions, which related to the possibilities of the NK issue settlement, the chances of the political forces' winning in the parliamentary elections appointed on April 2, particularly the RPA, the possibility of electoral fraud and the mechanism of its exclusion, the use of the administrative resources with the aim of campaign, the priorities of the RA foreign policy, the sphere of education, the specialization orientation, etc.

Touching upon the chances of the political forces' winning in the upcoming parliamentary elections, Eduard Sharmazanov highlighted the multi-party system, assessed the opportunities of the political forces trying to find their place in the legislative body.

The NA Deputy Speaker gave exhaustive answers to all the questions of the students, underlined the importance of becoming demanded and good specialists, urged them not to get disappointed, study well and fight for reaching their goals.