Biography of RA National Assembly Speaker Ara Babloyan
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Ara Babloyan was born on May 5, 1947 in Yerevan.

In 1971 he graduated from the Department of Pediatrics of Yerevan M. Heratsi State Medical Institute.

Pediatrician. In 1971-1998 passed specialization in pediatric surgery, kidney and liver transplantation, trainings in Russia, Belgium, Switzerland and France. Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor. He is an author of 3 scientific inventions, 7 monographs and 215 scientific works. In 2003-2005 he became the Member of the Standing Commission of World Health Organization (WHO) European Regional Committee. In 2008-2012 he was the Member of WHO Executive Committee. He is the Chairman of the Armenian Association of Pediatricians, Member of the European Society of Pediatric Urology, the European Association of Pediatric Surgeons, and Swiss Society of Nephrology, and Member of the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine. He is the Pediatric Surgeon-in-Chief  of the RA Ministry of Healthcare.

In 1970-1971 he worked in Urology Division of Polyclinic #8 as a Medical Assistant, Doctor. In 1971- 1972 he worked as Pediatric Surgeon and Urologist in the same Polyclinic, in 1972-1982 in Children’s Clinical Hospital # 1 (present "Heratsi" Hospital Complex N1) as a Surgeon and Urologist. In 1982- 1990 he was the Head of the Department of Urology of Yerevan Children’s Clinical Hospital #3.

In 1990 he founded the Specialized Centre of Uronephrology and Pediatric Surgery. In 1977-1997 - Lecturer, Professor of the YSMU Chair of Pediatric Surgery. Since 1997 - Head of the YSMU Chair of Pediatric Surgery. 1991-1997 - Minister of the RA Healthcare. In 1997-2002 he was the Executive Director of Arabkir Children's Medical Centre, and in 1999-2007 – Arabkir United Children's Charity Fund. In 2003-2007 he was the Chairman of the Administration Council of the Arabkir Medical Complex Centre-Institute of Child and Adolescent Health. In 2003-2007 he was the Chairman of the Directors' Council Garant Limens Insurance Company. Since 2007 – Scientific Head of Arabkir Medical Complex Centre-Institute of Child and Adolescent Health.

2007-2012 – NA Deputy (proportional electoral system, Republican Party of Armenia/RPA). Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Health Care, Maternity and Childhood. Member of the RPA Faction. Non-partisan.

On May 6, 2012 he was elected NA Deputy through proportional electoral system from the Republican Party of Armenia. Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Health Care, Maternity and Childhood. Member of the RPA Faction, Member of the RPA Council.

On 2 April 2017, he was elected NA Deputy through the RPA national party list.

On May 18, 2017 he was elected President of the National Assembly.

He was awarded Gold Medals on the occasion of the YSMU 70th and 75th anniversaries (2000 and
2005), RA Ministry of Education and Science, Diploma of Yerevan Municipality (2005), Letter of Appreciation of the RA National Assembly (2005), Officer of National Order of Merit (Officier de l'Ordre National Du Merite) for the development of the Armenian-French relations and professional cooperation (2005, Republic of France), Mkhitar Heratsi Medal (2007), Medal For Strengthening Cooperation (2007, RA Police), RA Armed Forces: 20-Year Jubilee Medal (2012, Ministry of Defense), Gratitude Medal (2013, NKR), Saint Sahak-Saint Mesrop High Order of Honour (2014, Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II), the RA President's Prize for his activities in the sphere of Medicine (2015), 2nd Degree Order for Services to the Motherland (2016).

He is married, with two children and four grandchildren.


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