RA NA President Ara Babloyan Sends a Congratulatory Message on International Day for Protection of Children
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The RA NA President Ara Babloyan sent a congratulatory message on International Day for Protection of Children.

“Dear children,

I warmly congratulate you on Day for Protection of Children.

Each of you has the right to live happily - we should help it to become a possibility. There is a natural force of dreaming inside each of you - we should support it to become reality. We should do our best so that each day of your childhood leaves pleasant memory in you and your happiness knows no limits.

Children, irrespective of their location, regardless of their social and physical condition, should never feel the lack of warmth and care, should never have the feeling of being disregarded and forgotten, should never be upset or lose their faith and trust towards the future, should see their rights protected.

Parental love and care should always be present where it is mostly necessary in the form of attention and support. It is symbolic that it is June 1 that has been proclaimed to be the Global Day of Parents by the UN.

Once again congratulating on Day for Protection of Children, I wish you, dear children, healthy and peaceful childhood, bliss and success through all the stages of life.

Let each of you be not only your parents’ pride, but also that of your country and nation,” the NA President's message reads.