Speech by RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan during Debate of RA Government Programme
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“Honourable Mr Prime Minister,

Dear deputies,

Dear members of the government,

First of all, I thank all the deputies and factions of the National Assembly for the concerned debate of the government programme. At the same time I would like to especially note that for the first time, at least in my memory, the Prime Minister attends the whole procedure of the Government programme debate in the National Assembly.

Dear colleagues,

Everybody’s goal is to create developed, fair and secure state, where our citizens can work, create and fulfill their dreams and wishes, and see their children’s dignified future.

In the centre of all this should be the man, our citizen. At least the most talented programme cannot have success, if there is no care in its events, actions, even between the lines towards the citizen.

Dear colleagues,

The factor of security is very important for us, as we have adventurous neighbours, who don’t refuse the intention of solving the Artsakh issue by force.

The Artsakh issue is the most important component of our security and safety. The nation-army idea, as well as every step, which is directed at the security of our borders, the neutralization of threats, the upgrading of the armed forces, the rise of their combativeness, is directly connected with that issue.

Saying secure Armenia we highlight not only external, but also internal security. The stability of the country, the solidarity of the society, the fight against corruption, the protection of human rights is one of its most important guarantees. In fact, the human right, including the right of the children, elders, disabled, women, shall be comprehensively executed and perceived by all of us. Besides the right to freedom of expression and manifestation, it is also a right to working and creating, getting medical aid and education, and being socially protected.

The state cannot be developed, if its citizen has no sufficient living standard and dignified way of life, cannot be firm, if its citizen has no feeling of justice, protection and security, cannot be healthy, if its citizen has not possibility of getting decent medical aid.

Dear colleagues,

The activity programme of the government for 2017-2022 envisages providing relevant guarantees for reaching the abovementioned goals.

This document is the combination of the obligations and actions of the government for the upcoming five years. The government distinguished events and steps for every sphere enshrined by distinct terms.

Presenting its activity programme, the government with all responsibility announces that it is ready to provide stable economic growth, assume the solution of the existing problems in the short-term, mid-term and long-term perspective.

Fixing that the best key of the society’s welfare is the economic growth the government designs to practically express it through dignified salaries and pensions, creation of jobs, reachable and accessible medical aid.

The principle of the social justice shall become a cornerstone for the society in the spheres of very sensible health care and social security.

To improve the demographic situation the Government aspires to use more efficiently our priceless capital, the human resource, create new jobs for its development and more favourable conditions.

The government considers as a key element the rise of the quality and efficiency of the state administration, as well as the provision of the responsibility and the accountability of the power towards the society.

Dear colleagues,

We shall be honest, we shall be conscientious, we shall be humane, we shall think about our people’s tomorrow every day, every moment, trust our government and continue to build together safe and secure Armenia, Armenia of right, Armenia of justice and confidence, where the man is the superior value.

Thus, we propose to approve this important document with the amendments mentioned in the Prime Minister’s speech by him, being sure that we are moving forward in the right way, and this programme stems from the interests of our citizen and our country.”

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