RA NA Deputy Speaker Meets with Speaker of Slovak Parliament
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On June 29, in Bratislava the delegation led by the RA NA Deputy Speaker, Head of Armenia- Slovakia Friendship Group Eduard Sharmazanov, comprised of the RA NA deputies Gagik Melikyan and Vardan Bostanjyan met with the Speaker of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Andrej Danko.

The members of the delegation expressed conviction that the visit will be an additional impetus in the development of the Armenian-Slovak relations and especially in the inter-parliamentary cooperation. In terms of giving continuous character to that dialogue, the activation of the mutual visits, and the cooperation at the level of parliamentary committees and Friendship Groups was highlighted.

The sides touched upon the Armenian and Slovak delegates’ effective cooperation in the issues of bilateral interest in the international and regional organizations, as well as on the international parliamentary platforms.

Thanking Mr Danko for the personal unreserved position in the Armenian Genocide, the RA NA Deputy Speaker highly assessed the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide by the National Council of Slovakia (2004), as well as the increase of the articles criminalizing the denial of the genocides in the Criminal Code.

Talking about the Nagorno Karabakh problem, Mr Sharmazanov reaffirmed the Armenian side's position of solving the conflict through exclusively peaceful negotiations. He has underlined that Armenia always makes appeals for the regional peace and stability and added that Azerbaijan and Turkey are the main threat of the regional security.

In this context the RA NA Deputy Speaker touched upon the subsersive actions being continuously implemented by Azerbaijan, noting that responding them by the international community is not sufficient, the international community should prevent with practical steps any manifestation of the regional destabilization.

Artsakh is a state, which adopted democratic values. The Artsakh people heroically fight for living and creating in a free and independent country and Azerbaijan is obliged to recognize the complete execution of the right to self-determination of Artsakh people,” Mr Sharmazanov said.

In the RA NA Deputy Speaker’s word, the peaceful separation of the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the declaration of the two independent states could also become a good example for the USSR former entities, but Azerbaijan chose the path of war.

Eduard Sharmazanov also talked about the process of the Constitutional reforms implemented in Armenia, and the works directed to the compliance of the legislation conditioned by it.

Let us remind that Tigran Seyranyan, the RA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Slovak Republic, also attended the meeting.