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Armen Ashotyan: Political Corruption Seriously Damages the Authority of teh International Organizations
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On July 4, the Chair of NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Armen Ashotyan received Maria Pavlova Tzotzorkova-Kaymaktchieva, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to Armenia.

Welcoming the Ambassador in the National Assembly, Armen Ashotyan noted: “The Armenian-Bulgarian inter-state relations have firm historical basis, which creates preconditions for further effective cooperation in the possible spheres.”

Both sides highlighted the cooperation of the Committees on Foreign Relations and the Friendship Groups of the parliaments of the two countries.

During the talk the sides touched upon the bilateral, as well as international multilateral cooperation.

The interlocutors referred to the mechanisms and strategies of cooperation on the inter-parliamentary platforms. Armen Ashotyan underlined the preservation of the principle of the clean work in the international parliamentary organizations, as well as the importance of the fight against corruption in the over-state formats. “Armenia is committed to full cooperation for excluding corruption on the international parliamentary platforms and keeping the structure’s agenda free from such harmful phenomena,” Armen Ashotyan noted.

During the meeting the sides also talked about the importance of signing the Comprehensive and Enhanced New Agreement with the EU in the Brussels Summit and its ratification in the national parliaments.

The parties also discussed issues concerning the regional stability. Armen Ashotyan emphasized the implementation of the practical preventive steps taken by the international community relating to the cases of xenophobia in Azerbaijan at the state level up to initiating border provocations. “More functioning mechanisms are necessary: from the economic punitive measures to political isolation towards a state, which through adventurism, xenophobia at state level does its best for endangering the stability of the region,” Armen Ashotyan stated.

Ambassador Tzotzorkova-Kaymaktchieva has emphasized the role of the OSCE Minsk Group in the process of the Nagrono Karabakh conflict settlement and noted that Bulgaria does not see alternative for the peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The Ambassador spotlighted the balanced position of the international community in promoting the solution of the conflict.

The sides also discussed issues concerning the cooperation at the parliamentary level.

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