Ara Babloyan Receives Ambassador of Bulgaria to Armenia
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On July 4, the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan received Maria Pavlova Tzotzorkova-Kaymaktchieva, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to Armenia.

Welcoming the Ambassador in the RA National Assembly, Ara Babloyan has underlined the old friendship and cultural connections formed between the two countries, which is a basis for the development of the Armenian-Bulgarian relations.

Ara babloyan highlighted the role of the parliamentary diplomacy in the strengthening of bilateral relations and deepening of cooperation.

The RA NA Speaker stressed the importance of the activities of the parliamentary Friendship Groups and noted that Jemma Baghdasaryan will lead the NA Armenia-Bulgaria Friendship Group in the near future.

The Head of the parliament touched upon the Constitutional reforms implemented in our country, noting that Armenia had passed onto a system of the parliamentary government. Ara Babloyan also emphasized the cooperation with Bulgaria in terms of Armenia-EU relations.

Regarding the regional problems the RA NA Speaker highlighted the balanced position of Bulgaria in the peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict in compliance with the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs’ and EU common position.

Thanking the NA Speaker for the warm reception, Ambassador Maria Pavlova Tzotzorkova-Kaymaktchieva highly assessed the relations existing between the two countries. She especially highlighted the role of Bulgaria’s Armenian community in strengthening of bilateral relations. The Ambassador assured that during her diplomatic mission she will continue to do his bestfor further developing and deepening the formed relations. Evaluating the cooperation between the parliamentary Friendship Groups and deepening of cooperation on the international different parliamentary platforms, Maria Pavlova Tzotzorkova-Kaymaktchieva noted that Bulgaria-Armenia Friendship Group has already been formed.

The interlocutors emphasized the further expansion of cooperation between the two countries and the development in the political, economic, cultural, educational and other spheres.

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