Legislative Initiative on Increase of Water Intake from Sevan Debated in Parliament
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On July 4, by the decision of the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan, under Article 100 of the RA Constitution and Article 44 of the RA Law Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, at the initiative of the RA Government the RA NA extraordinary session was convened by the initiator’s established agenda, and the RA draft law presented for debate in the first reading on Approving the Annual and Complex Programmes of the Restoration, Preservation, Reproduction and Use Events of Lake Sevan Ecosystems was included in the agenda.

The key speaker, the Chairman of the State Committee for Water Management of the RA Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources Arsen Harutyunyan has presented that it is designed to partially reduce the volumes of the water intake from the Lake Sevan in the coming years, building new reservoirs and gradually passing into drip irrigation system.

Aram Harutyunyan presented the endorsement of the RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment.

The RA NA deputies Ararat Zurabyan, Samvel Nikoyan, Mikayel Melkumyan, Hakob Hakobyan, Artak Zeynalyan, Araik Hovhannisyan, Lena Nazaryan, Arman Saghatelyan, Vahe Enfiajyan, Armenuhi Kyureghyan, Mane Tandilyan, Vardan Bostanjyan and Vardevan Grigoryan expressed their viewpoints on the draft law.

Aghvan Vardanyan (ARF Faction), Gagik Melikyan (RPA Faction) expressed the views of their factions on the draft law.

The RA NA Deputy Speaker Mikayel Melkumyan made us of his right to the extraordinary speech.

Summing up the speech Mikayel Melkumyan highlighted the problem of providing the farms with irrigation water and proposed not to contradict the ecological problems of Sevan, and the eco problems of Sevan to the problems pf energy system.

The RA NA Deputy Speaker also delivered an extraordinary speech, on the issue under debate, noting its public big sounding.

Positively assessing the draft law, Eduard Sharmazanov urged his colleagues to vote for it.

Co-speakers Aram Harutyunyan and Arsen Harutyunyan delivered final speeches, touching upon the deputies’ recommendations and concerns, and gave clarifications.

As a result of voting, the draft law was passed for 77 for and 3 against votes.

The RA NA Deputy Speaker has informed that on July 6, at 10:00 a.m. the RA NA extraordinary session will be convened.

Covering the agenda the parliament ended the work of the extraordinary session.