Doctors in Parliament

On December 23 RA NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan received 35 members of RA Academy of Medical Sciences.

During the meeting the problems related to the legislative regulation of the health care and the Academy of Medical Sciences were discussed, the clarification of the state policy towards the development problems of science, the regulation of the legislative field. Among the problems raised by the scientists were the issues related to the status of the Academy of Medical Sciences, restoration of medical scientific council in the Ministry of Health Care, protection of health care, people’s health and the draft laws on medical insurance. It was noted that the scientists’ and health care councils, set up affiliated with the NA Speaker, have done a great deal of work during this period, particularly studying the state and problems of the scientific institutions of the republic, which will help to have a real picture about state of the science and the gradual solution of the problems.

At the end of the meeting, highlighting the role of the state in the development of science, scientists’ welfare, expressed readiness to promote the recovery of the scientific council, organization of the parliamentary hearings at the beginning of the year to discuss the key problems of the health care sphere, offered the doctors to take active part in the elaboration of the draft laws of the field, cooperating with the NA Standing Committee and the Health Care Council affiliated with NA Speaker, also promised to include the scientist doctors in the delegations of official visits if there are discussions on health care sphere. Elaborating on the status of the Medical Academy, the NA Speaker expressed readiness to promote the solution of the problem, if the issue is discussed in the National Academy of Sciences and get positive conclusion.

During the meeting  practical issues were also debated and solved. The NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan thanked the doctors for fulfilling their humane mission with love, congratulated them for the forthcoming New Year and wished success.