RA NA President Visits Basic School N 76 on Knowledge Day
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On September 1, the RA NA President Ara Babloyan visited Yerevan Argentine Republic Basic School N 76.

Ara Babloyan congratulated the teachers and the pupils on the occasion of Knowledge Day and the launch of the new educational year and noted with pride that he is also a school-leaver of the School N 76.

In the development and establishment of our state Mr Babloyan highlighted the role of the educated, well-informed, patriotic and purposeful citizen, which is the best capital of the country.

In his speech the RA NA President noted: “The path of life begins from school. The school, on behalf of this Armenian-Argentinean educational centre, is the place where besides getting knowledge, you form human relations, and find friends.

The Armenian-Argentinean school is the best evidence of the peoples' friendship. This year sees the 65th anniversary of your school and the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Argentina. I am sure that with joint efforts the Armenian-Argentinean friendship will more strengthen year by year and the School N 76 will more develop.”

The RA NA President took a tour in the educational centre and with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Argentina to the RA Gonzalo Urriolabeitia took part in the handing ceremony of the new books to the library of the school by the Embassy within the framework of the initiative One Book for Friendship . Within the framework of the initiative the library was enriched with about 150 new Spanish books.