Tribute in Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex
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On September 20, the members of the Delegation of the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress and the RA Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to USA Grigor Hovhannisyan visited to Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.

The guests laid flowers at the Saint Martyrs’ monument and honored with bowing and silence the memory of the innocent victims.

They have also been in the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, got acquainted with the exhibits and left a note in the Commemoration Book

The U.S. Congressman Jackie Speier talked about her impressions, noting: “My heart breaks. I am very excited. We should not forget what happened in 1915. Unfortunately, today in many countries the so-called spirit of the genocide freely walks. We should fight in order such tragedies will not be repeated.

Also I would like to thank the Government of Armenia, the Armenians around the world for building such Memorial Complex.”

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