In Parliamentary Hearings New Legislative Regulations of Defense Sphere Debated
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On October 11, on the initiative of the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security in the RA NA Session Hall parliamentary hearings on the theme on New Legislative Regulations on Conscription and Military Service were debated, where the RA NA deputies, representatives of the RA Government, political forces, concerned departments and institutions, expertise, academic and educational circles.

In the opening remarks the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security Koryun Nahapetyan noted that in accordance with the constitutional amendments in the sphere of security and defense the most serious reforms began, and within their framework the revision of the relevant legislation is of key importance. The Committee Chair underlined that the RA Government presented for debate of the National Assembly the draft laws on Defense and on Military Service and the Serviceman’s Status, which were comprehensively debated on the parliamentary platform.

Koryun Nahapetyan touched upon new mechanisms being proposed by the legislative regulation, particularly the issues on preparation for the military service, the examination of the citizens’ health state and military accounting.

Noting that he expects effective debate Koryuin Nahapetyan has underlined that the Committee will attentively listen to all recommendations.

The RA Minister of Defense Vigen Sargsyan presented the legislative regulations of the defense sphere, which during six years passed a phase of wide debates with all concerned sides.

Vigen Sargsyan presented in detail the goals of the programmes I Have the Honour and It is Me  and their legal regulations.

In the opinion of the RA Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan the protection of the servicemen’s freedoms and rights should be in the centre of attention of every citizen, the state bodies and the representatives of the civil society should make efforts to promote the effective activities of the system of the protection of rights in the armed forces.

The Executive Director of Arar Foundation George Tabakian has presented recommendations on a number of provisions, which particularly relate to the strengthening of depot battalion, the organization of the medical service, the guarantees of receiving education and other issues.

The Chairman of the International Center for Human Development Tevan Poghosyan noted that after April war days new processes started in the defense sphere with new approaches. He highlighted the availability of relevant mechanism for the full enforcement of the law, and the strengthening of the parliamentary full control towards the armed forces.

In the speeches and interpellations the RA NA deputies and other participants of the parliamentary hearings touched upon the programme of providing the officers with flat, the officers being engaged with business, their awarding, the expedient and active depot battalion system, the compilation of the specialists from abroad, the citizens’ military accounting, the conscript affirmation, the conscripts’ health state survey and the organization of the medical examination, the servicemen’s social security and other problems.

In their final speeches Tevan Poghosyan and Arman Tatoyan emphasized the adoption of the applicable law in practice.

Vigen Sargsyan referred to the voiced recommendations and concerns and presented clarifications.

Summing up the work of the hearings, Koryun Nahapetyan has highlighted such inclusive debates on the parliamentary platform, noting that the draft laws presented by the Government have the goal to promote the rise of the armed forces’ combativeness and compilation. He underlined that all voiced recommendations and concerns would be debated in the Committee.

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