
Adhering to the parliamentary cooperation spirit,

Expressing regret that the coalition’s proposal on the concord principle of jointly working in the development stage of the draft law of the Constitutional reforms didn’t have a positive response from the opposition,

Highlighting the constructive role of the opposition and participation to the activities of the parliament,

Highlighting the necessity of elaborating the Constitutional amendments and providing wider agreement in its accession process and re-establishing the coalition’s readiness for the wide cooperation in that process,

Welcoming the desire of “Justice” and “National Unity” factions on the participation of the activities in the Constitutional amendments,

Highly evaluating the joint work on the recommendations of the draft law amendments for the shaping of the positions,

Considering the presented recommendations of the two factions deserving for thorough discussion,

Emphasizing that for clarifying the positions referring to the recommendations of “Justice” and “National Unity” factions, as well as other recommendations the public-political discussions, the parliamentary activities in NA relevant committee and in plenary session are of great importance,

We call on the authors of the recommendations to take part in that process during which the final positions will be shaped on the improvement of the state management, judicial and local government systems, as well as other sections of the Constitution mentioned in those recommendations.

Republican Party of Armenia

Armenian Revolutionary Federation

“Rule of Law” Party