RA NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan’s Telegram of Condolences to the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament Nino Burjanadze

In connection with the Georgian Premier Zurab Zhvania’s tragic death RA NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan sent a telegram of condolences to the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament Nino Burjanadze, where it says in particular:

“The bad news of the Georgian Premier Zurab Zhvania’s tragic death caused deep sorrow. We knew Zurab Vissarionovich as an outstanding statesman and politician, who devoted his life to selfless serving to his motherland and people. I extend my deep condolences to You, Zurab Zhvania’s relatives on behalf of the National Assembly and personally me.”

Adhering to the parliamentary cooperation spirit,Expressing regret that the coalition’s proposal on the concord principle of jointly working in the development stage of the draft law of the Constitutional reforms didn’t have a positive response from the opposition,Highlighting the constructive role ...

Political Debate in National Assembly
As it was informed “Ardarutiun” (Justice) and “Azgayin Miabanutiun” (National Unity) factions applied to RA NA Speaker, presenting their recommendations pertaining to Constitutional reforms. Having the aim to clarify the viewpoints of all political forces submitted to the parliament on the matter an...