Delegation of RA National Assembly in the Kingdom of Bahrain

On February 8 thedelegation headed by RA NA Artur Baghdasaryan began his meeting his meetings in the parliament of Bahrain, in Manama, capital of Bahrain. During the meeting with Khalifa al-Dahrani, Parliament Speaker of the Kingdom of Bahrain and deputies, issues of deepening partnership were discussed. It was noted that it’s the first time that such high-ranking delegation arrives from Armenia and this visit is a basis for friendship and partnership of two peoples and countries. RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan invited Khalifa bin-Ahmad al-Dhahrani, Parliament Speaker of the Kingdom of Bahrain to Armenia on an official visit. During the meeting the cooperation in the spheres of science, education and economic relations were pointed out. Mr. Dhahrani stated that Bahrain is the gate of Gulf countries and has a great potential to be with Armenia as a bridge of regional cooperation.

In the result of the meeting RA NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan and the Speaker of the House of Deputies Khalifa Al-Dahrani signed an agreement on partnership between RA National Assembly and the House of Deputies of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Bahrain. According to the agreement, emphasizing the importance of the parliamentary partnership between two countries, the sides decided to create in RA National Assembly Armenia-Bahrain, and in the House of Deputies of the Kingdom of Bahrain Bahrain-Armenia friendship parliamentary groups and regularly hold consultations on the international and regional key problems of mutual interest. Besides that, organize partnership between parliamentary standing committees and create joint working and expert groups. It is envisaged to establish a permanent relation between the staffs of two parliaments, have exchange of experience, promote retraining of human resources and rise of professionalism.

During the meeting with Dr. Faisal Radhi Almousawy, Chairman of the NA Shura Council of the Kingdom of Bahrain the issues of partnership were also discussed, the role of parliamentary diplomacy was highlighted. The Chairman of Shura Council stated that the democracy in Bahrain is also young, and the use of the experience can be useful for both sides. Presenting the functions of Shura Council, Dr. Faisal Radhi Almousawi highlighted the study of the Armenian parliamentary traditions and the awareness of the legislative experience. The necessity of the exchange of delegations and immediate contacts was highlighted.

During the meeting with the Bahrain Prime Minister Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman al Khalifa, the mutual visits as a partnership beginning were highlighted. The Prime Minister of Bahrain expressed his support to create the Centre for Arab Cultural, promising the active participation of Bahrain. Both sides highlighted that the positions in regional issues coincide and that’s important for the partnership in the international instances. The Prime Minister expressed confidence to promote the economic partnership as well, including all spheres, where there are mutual interests.

The meeting with the King of Bahrain, His Excellency Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa was held in the warm and friendly atmosphere. RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan handed the message of Robert Kocharyan, RA President and the invitation of the official visit to Armenia, which was gladly accepted. In response to the welcoming speech of Artur Baghdasaryan, RA NA President, the king stated that the road to Armenia more shortened. During the visit several concrete arrangements were reached: first, the King of Bahrain, His Excellency Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa expressed readiness to promote the creation of the center for Arab culture, which can become a good opportunity to present Arab world. Then the king promised to promote the creation of the trade center of Armenia in Bahrain, which will be a bridge for strengthening the relations also with the Gulf countries. The King of Bahrain, His Excellency Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa expressed readiness to promote also to have Armenia as an observer in the Islamic conference and Arab Parliamentary League. During the meeting the sides highlighted their aspirations for the peace in the region and their readiness to cooperate in the international structures. An agreement was also reached that the members of Bahrain-Armenia parliamentary friendship group will take part in the second meeting of the Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly.

The official meetings in Manama will continue on February 9, and in the evening the delegation will return to Armenia.