RA NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov Meets with YSU Students
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On January 17, within the framework of the RA NA Open Doors programme the students and lecturers of YSU Faculty of Geography and Geology visited the parliament. The guests also took a tour in the parliament, afterwards observed the works of the NA sittings.

The RA NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov conducted the open lesson with the students. In their questions the students of the University touched upon the recorded inflation, the programmes aimed at the development of the tourism in Armenia, the tax policy and the process of the community enlargement. During the sincere talk the Artsakh problem and the emigration were key issues. Eduard Sharmazanov gave exhaustive answers to all voiced questions.

At the end of the open lesson the RA NA Vice President called on the young people to be the best in their chosen profession, enrich their knowledge every day and be a good RA citizen.