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Ara Babloyan’s Speech in Parliamentary Hearings on Theme The Causes of the Rise in Prices of Certain Goods and Possibilities of Mitigating the Inflation
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Dear colleagues,

Dear participants of the hearings,

The parliamentary hearings relating to our citizens’ concerning issues, in the given case to the rise in prices of certain goods and the possibilities of mitigating the inflation, ended. First of all I would mention that the parliamentary hearings are one of the public tools of the oversight function of the National Assembly. Today’s debates, as an operative response of situation are its revelations. We should respond to the problems concerning the men, always take into consideration the public moods and have positive impact on them.

I thank all the participants for concerned and unconstrained discussions, for the presented viewpoints and recommendations. I am sure that the ideas and professional opinions voiced here will help the relevant structures to act more effective and operative to find admissible and visible solutions for our society.

Dear colleagues,

If we generalize the causes of the price fluctuations of some goods in the consuming market, as you have already mentioned here, then they are partially conditioned by external reasons, i.e. by the change of prices in the international markets, partially by internal reasons by the use of the rates of different taxes. In any case, as a result of both reasons we have change in price of some goods, and the man, our citizen is the bearer of that influence. Of course, it is interesting for our public to know how the price of this or that kind of goods emerges, and what the cause or objective of its rise is, but the same public more wants to see the steps which are aimed at mitigating the consequences of the price rise, wants to see their results as soon as possible.

We documented one thing through the hearings: Our economy cannot but bear the influence of the international markets. And here the problem of all of us and especially the government is to mitigate its influence on the quality of our citizens' life by the use of the relevant tool set and mechanisms.

Taking into consideration that the man is at the centre of strategy adopted by the government, we should observe that the final target of the legislative amendments is the improvement of the citizen's living standard through the economic growth.

Dear colleagues,

We cannot decrease the expenditures of the defense sphere or not to fulfill the social obligations before the population, We should continue to build schools, cure people, rearm the army, we cannot but not to think about the citizen's more dignified life. Therefore, we should think about increasing the budget incomes.

Yes, here you voiced, and I continue the thought that according to Constitution, the Republic of Armenia is a social state, and our efforts should always be directed to the solution of our citizens' social problems, however the so-called social state does not mean the social issues, including the fact that we shall not observe the improvement of the population's living standard and the increase of the incomes in the context of the economic rise. The possibilities of the social state directly depend on its economic potential and power. We shall be guided by the tactics of adding those possibilities through economic development which means a stable opportunity for the rise of the living standard of the population, the improvement of the life quality, dynamic rise of salaries and pensions, taking as a basis the economic development.

Dear colleagues,

In this hall in parallel with the motivations, criticism and dissatisfaction, constructive recommendations on the settlement of the situation also were voiced. I am sure that today's parliamentary hearings will promote to find solutions which will not damage the development of the economy, the tax collection and, at the same time, will restrain or mitigate the negative influence of a growth of the prices of a number of goods on the citizens.

We will continue to observe the situation, responding the citizens' concerns, supporting the efforts of the government, being willing also to improve the legislation, if it is necessary.

Thank you for your participation and recommendations.

I am sure that we shall continue to preserve contact with you to be able to effectively solve this issue.

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