President of Slovakia Highly Assesses Bilateral Cooperation at Meeting with Ara Babloyan
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Within the official visit to the Slovak Republic the delegation led by the RA NA President Ara Babloyan met with the President of the Slovak Republic Andrej Kiska.

Ara Babloyan noted that since the establishment of diplomatic relations ties based on constructive, mutual understanding and centuries-old friendship between the two peoples were formed. The RA NA President expressed satisfaction with the existing level of the political dialogue in this context, highlighting the activation of the parliamentary cooperation and the legislators’ frequent mutual visits. The Head of the parliament expressed conviction that this visit would be an additional impetus in the development of the Armenian-Slovak relations and especially in the inter-parliamentary cooperation.

Ara Babloyan evaluated the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide by the National Council of Slovakia, as well as particularly highlighted the criminalizing of the genocide denial in the prevention of such crimes.

Highly assessing the level of bilateral cooperation the President of the Slovak Republic Andrej Kiska has noted that there is a great potential of further developing it and giving new breath to the relations.

At the meeting the sides also touched upon the RA-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement signed in Brussels on November 24, the regional problems, the possibilities of cooperation in different spheres and other issues.

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