RA National Assembly Donates Ten Million Drams to Artsakh Ministry of Defence
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Within the framework of the visit to Artsakh Republic the delegation of the RA National Assembly met with the Minister of Defense of Artsakh Republic Levon Mnatsakanyan. The Head of the RA NA RPA Faction Vahram Baghdasaryan handed over to Levon Mnatsakanyan the certificate of ten million drams being provided to the Ministry of Defence of Artsakh Republic by the RA NA deputies and the staff. Vahram Baghdasaryan noted that the National Assembly with its staff: from the technical employee to the RA NA Speaker, had their contribution in this issue.

The Commander of Artsakh Defence Army, thanking Vahram Baghdasaryan for the donation, noted that the money would be addressed to the solution of the prior problems of the Defence Army and the servicemen.

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