Armen Ashotyan: Armenian-Georgian Border Should Remain a Zone of Cooperation and Friendship
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On February 12, in Tbilisi the Chairman of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Armen Ashotyan had a meeting with the Chairperson of the Foreign Relations Committee Sofio Katsarava of the Parliament of Georgia.

At the meeting the members of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Karen Bekaryan and Ararat Zurabyan took part.

The priorities existing on the bilateral agenda, the possibilities of further strengthening the relations between the parliaments of Armenia and Georgia were discussed. In this context the activation of cooperation on different international platforms, especially the enlivening of the cooperation within PACE and OSCE PA frameworks was highlighted.

Armen Ashotyan noted that the Armenian-Georgian relations should not depend on the relations of the third parties. With regards to this, the Committee Chairman added that the Armenian-Georgian border should remain a zone of cooperation and welfare.

Armen Ashotyan has noted that the Armenian side greatly emphasizes the boosting of further coordinating relations with Georgia at parliamentary level.

The parties expressed readiness to make more frequent the meetings at the level of committees which will be an impetus of exchange of experience in a number of key spheres, particularly the economic development, and the reforms directed to democracy and in the issues concerning the experience of Georgia on the way of the EU integration.