Contacts and Exchange of Experience between Staffs of Parliaments Highlighted
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The RA NA Chief of Staff-Secretary General Ara Saghatelyan had a meeting with the Chief of Staff-Secretary General of the RF FA State Duma Tatyana Voronova in Moscow.

The Head of the Public Relations Department of the RA NA Staff Arsen Babayan, the Head of the Protocol Department Artak Hovhannisyan, the Head of the Department of Foreign Relations Victor Biyagov and the heads of the subdivisions of the Staff of the RF FA State Duma also took part in the meeting.

During the working meeting issues concerning the necessity of direct ties between the subdivisions of the staffs and cooperation were discussed. The interlocutors highlighted the close cooperation and the exchange of experience particularly in the context of the parliamentary oversight and development of information-analytical skills. The programmes directed to the continuous development of capacities of the staffs were touched upon.

The sides expressed readiness to cooperate in different working formats and support each other in the future.