Speech by President of National Council of Swiss Confederation Dominique de Buman in RA National Assembly

“Dear President, Ladies and Gentlemen MPs,

This day is a significant event for the relations between the parliaments of Armenia and Switzerland. For the first time, since the birth of Modern Armenia an opportunity has been given to the President of the National Council of the Swiss Confederation to take the floor. I am very impressed for that honour and I am glad to convey the warm greetings of the Federal Chambers to you.

I don’t believe in the chance, and I consider as a good sign the fact that Mr Babloyan was elected President of the RA National Assembly a few months ago of my assuming the Head of the National Council, in 2017. For many years both of us have been Co-Chairs of the Parliamentary Friendship Groups, and now again we are in the same position.

Mr President, dear Mr Babloyan, you are one of the figures of Armenia walking to the modern world. When you were the Minister of Health Care of the Republic of Armenia, you have imported newest medical knowledge to your country, and particularly, you have done the first kidney transplantation here. You have established a Hospital for the Children with Autism, and you have been persistent in revealing such cases among the new born kids. By the support of the Swiss foundations in hospital established in Yerevan, where every Saturday you do operations, you have been inspired by the Swiss double model in preparing staff members.

It was during the disastrous earthquake that occurred in the north of the Soviet Armenia on 7 December 1988 that you became closer to our country. You have coordinated the aid of the French speaking Europe, thus also Switzerland, and the Diaspora, tens of thousands of lives have been saved with your help. You have been an impetus for the Friendship Group between the Swiss and the Armenian MPs for the benefit of the cultural, economic-political relations of our two states: for the two small states which are rich in mountains, landscapes, history, cultural heritage and the dynamism of population, two states with Christian bases aspire peace through democracy.

The histories of our countries are reflected in our political organizations. Before the affirmation of the external borders of the country by the European superpowers during 1815 Vienna Congress the Confederation Cantons were gradually united. The Swiss first Constitution was adopted in 1848 by the Federal Chambers after the short civil war between the Catholic Cantons and Liberal and Protestant Cantons.

The fundamental text has already envisaged a two-chamber system like an American model: the National Council with 200 members, which I preside over, represents the population. They have been elected through proportional system, meanwhile almost everybody from 46 representatives of the Cantons in the State Council have been nominated through majoritarian electoral system. The main parties in the parliament are in the Federal Council which is a collegial body. That is the principle of majoritariani s m.

In our country having eight million residents 100.000 citizens can propose the people to amend the Constitution. Regarding the right to referendum, it is hung like Sword of Damocles over the MPs’ head, if 50.000 citizens demand then the electorate will be called to the ballot box for approving or rejecting the law passed by the National Council. Thus, the citizens of Switzerland actively take part in building the legislative system and that, undoubtedly, is the main feature of the Swiss democracy.

Armenia had numerous fundamental documents: first of them was declared on 24 May 1860 by the Ottoman Sultan to his Armenian subordinates, the next ones relate to the Soviet period. In 1995, the independent Armenia adopted a Constitution inspired by the French fifth republic. After ten years, as a result of constitutional amendment the presidential republic turned into parliamentary republic based on the English model. From now on all 101 members of the National Assembly are elected through proportional electoral system.

The Constitutions of our countries enumerate our citizens’ rights, freedoms and responsibilities; however the cornerstone of the legal state, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the separation of the power. The government cannot execute the authorities of the parliament or the judicial authorities; otherwise the democracy will be endangered.

You will never sufficiently highlight the control of any state government: the transparent and effective mechanisms are considered to be just the price that you should pay in order the legislator’s will enact. And the judicial power should be independent in order those who violate laws would be punished, as the non-enactment of the laws endangers the future of the South Caucasus whole region.

The citizens will assume responsibility if they distinctly realize that the future of the country is in their achievement. It is necessary to draw the attention of the population, especially the youth to the rights and obligations on citizenship, as the participation of the civil society in the political process is a guarantee of national stability and unity. Finally, the strong and representational parliament will add the trust of the population and other states towards the state.

I can be qualified as ‘an old fox’ of politics: before being in the National Assembly for fifteen years I have been member of the legislative body of my Canton of Fribourg. Besides that, for more than ten years I have been the Mayor of my city. For many years I have reached to a stable conviction: “To be legitimate any constitutional and legislative should take into consideration the public interest and the rights of the minorities.

It is right to defend one’s own ideas with greatest energy, to be faithful to one’s own political party and respect one’s own electorate. However, the politicians, the MPs, the statesmen or stateswomen should take their missions high from slogans and personal adventurousness. The devotion to the democratic system requires honesty, independence, critical mind and long-term vision. It can also require refusing your own ego and own pretentions for the welfare of the country.

Ladies and Gentlemen deputies, dear colleagues,

It has already been two decades that you call into life fundamental legislative reforms. What an endurance!

After the cases of hostage-taking and riot occurred in July 2016 you showed resoluteness to strengthen your institutes. Your endurance shown is worth admiration, as it is not easy to reform the laws, the regulations and procedures under the permanent pressure of campaigning and various interests.

At the same time you listen to the hopes of the youth. The young people want the country to make use of the whole wealth of their land, evaluate the apricot and pomegranate, their wines and other alcoholic drinks. They also seek to obtain skills in the spheres of services, tourism, information technologies and mechanics.

Switzerland supports the efforts of Armenia for the benefit of innovation and progress. Switzerland, as a colleague, is involved in the programmes which are directed to the improvement of the product of cattle-farm workers, farmers and horticulturists and providing its sale. Switzerland also supports the government in the processes of strengthening the communities and the encouragement of the women's involvement in the politics.

The Armenian Diaspora of the International Geneva, French speaking Switzerland, Zurich, as well as Schaffhausen has long ago already been involved in the economy of this country where their roots are. Other Swiss companies also want to contribute to the prosperity of the fertile soil in the borders of Europe and Asia. In the 1990s the volume of the goods turnover between our countries reached annually 1-2mln, meanwhile in 2017 it crossed the limit of 200mln.

Ten percent of the jobs created in Armenia are in the very perspective spheres of researches and development. Due to the Tax Code, until 2021 the GDP can reach up to 15 percent. And what will be, if the blockade imposed on the western and eastern borders by the bordering countries be lifted?

The opening of the orders would stop the move of the vital forces condemned to blockade to abroad, and the Swiss investors would be more active without monopoly and competitive in the local market.

Ladies and Gentlemen, don't we say that Noah planted the first grape-vine of the mankind history on the Ararat Plateau, and that plant conquered the entire planet in the future.

Today is the imperative of the globalisation: to restore the Silk Road which will provide the turnover and the link between the West and East, China and Europe. And for this very reason the Armenian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce was established. I took part in signing of the latter's founding document in Bern together with the heads of the enterprises of the two countries and higher representatives of the societies.

No country, however, can move forward if its history is not recognized. The National Council, which I preside over, in 2003, recognized the Armenian Genocide, hoping that the crimes committed in 1915-1916 will never be repeated, and the Armenian people's roots and the path passed will be preserved.

I know that the forgiveness is not an empty word for the country with 1700-year Christian history. However, for forgiveness it is necessary that the committed crime be distinctly condemned.The settlement process of the reconciliation and diplomatic relations with Turkey which should pass through the adoption of the scientifically confirmed genocide, and was the goal of the protocols signed in Zurich on 10 October 2009. The Armenian Genocide is so real that has served as a definition of the crime of genocide against humanity given by Professor Rafael Lemkin in the UN Convention in 1948.

We should also mention that the declaration of the independence of Armenia took place on the basis of the disastrous ethnic conflict, the consequences of Nagorno Karabakh conflict after the collapse of the Soviet Union. But when we speak about self-determination of these mountains, the territorial integrity of the states and the rights of the peoples’ self-determination clash each other. Is the negotiating solution possible in this case? The government and the body which I represent, have many questions.

The humanitarian and the member of the Armenian-Swiss Inter-Parliamentary Group Dominique de Buman dares to express wish that the population of the ‘Black Garden’ (Karabakh) will make a decision for its destiny, as other peoples have done, as recently the communities of my own country, Switzerland, have done, and the peace and friendship will be in its heart.

Dear colleagues, all of you know that Armenia has multilateral relations with the UN, OSCE, European Parliament and WHO, and the path of future passes through the settlement of the relations with its neighbours.

Your young republic will have good future in case, if its political authorities are open, and the members of the parliament don't lose their optimism.

Armenia can be based on the friendship and support of Switzerland.

Summing up my speech let me say how I am connected to your country, how close it is to me with its wonderful relics, endless horizons, wonders of nature, ancient churches, pagan temples, the sacred mountain and prehistoric mysteries, and how I admire the Armenian people with its bright culture and identity.

Long live the Armenian people's talent, faith and courage!

Long live the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia!”

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