Congratulatory Address by RA NA Ara Babloyan on Medical Worker’s Day
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“I cordially congratulate all medical workers of Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora on your professional day.

Your working day begins and never ends. Moreover, being devoted to the sacred work of preserving human health, you begin to fulfill your duty before the baby’s birth and become every human life’s careful and caring guide.

The medical worker’s profession united not only the rich knowledge and professionalism, but the tenderheartedness and patience. The provision of healthy way of life, preservation and improvement of the population’s health are conditioned by successful fulfillment of your mission. They are considered to be precondition of the state social policy priority and the stable development of the society, and we have necessary legislative tool set. I am sure that with your devoted work it will allow having a health system worth to Armenia and reach achievements in modern medicine.

I address my sincere word of thankfulness and gratitude to all of you for fulfilling your hard and responsible work with honour. I wish you to be worthy to your high title.

Once again congratulating you on Medical Worker’s Day I wish everybody health, welfare and success,” the RA NA President’s congratulatory address.

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