Ara Babloyan Sends Message on Memory of Freedom Fighters Missing in Action
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“Dear compatriots,

Today in Armenia, in Artsakh, in Diaspora we bow our heads before the eternal memory of the freedom fighters, soldiers and officers missing in action in the defense battles of the borders of the fatherland.

I express my support and address word of comfort to their family members and relatives.

The warriors missing in the crucial battles became symbols of collective deed. While defending the Armenian people’s right of living freely they conscientiously paid an expensive price, but instead left to the generations a free and defended fatherland. Their deed is eternal and it lives in everybody’s hearts.

The memory of freedom fighters missing in action is not only a day of outliving the pain of dear memories and the pain of irreparable loss. It is also a day of remembering everybody’s duty for further strengthening of Armenia and the Armenian Army. And the disinterested fulfillment of that duty is the real respect towards the bright memory of the the missing in action freedom fighters and those who martyred for the fatherland.

Eternal glory to them!” the address by the RA NA President Ara Babloyan reads.

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