Ara Babloyan to Take Part in the Events Being Held within the Framework of the OIF 17th Summit
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On October 9, in the name of the President of the RA National Assembly Ara Babloyan within the framework of the 17th Summit of the International Organisation of la Francophonie (OIF) to be held in Yerevan from October 7 to 12 an official dinner will be given to the parliamentarians included in the delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of la Francophonie (APF) and in the delegations of the participant states of the Summit.

On October 11, the RA NA President Ara Babloyan will take part in the solemn opening ceremony of the International Organisation of la Francophonie. On the same day in the evening the RA NA President Ara Babloyan will attend the gala concert in the Republic Square, afterwards the Head of the Parliament will take on the state dinner being given in the name of the RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

Ways of notifying citizens increased
Within the framework of organizing and holding of conscription for compulsory military service, exercise gatherings and military exercises the ways of perfect notifications being given for appearing at their military registration office, as well as the framework of approving the documents and facts ...