Ararat Mirzoyan Receives President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Georgi Tsereteli
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On November 25, the President of the RA National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan received the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Georgi Tsereteli.

Welcoming the guest in the National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan has noted that Armenia highly appreciates the cooperation within the OSCE and the OSCE PA. He has stated that this organization is very important for Armenia, as the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairmanship is the only one with a mandate dealing with the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The NA President once again has emphasized that the Armenian authorities are committed to peaceful negotiations and only in this way they see the solution of the problem.

The interlocutors spoke about the ongoing reforms in Armenia, which aim at establishing democratic institutions in Armenia and making these processes irreversible. Both sides touched upon reforms to the Electoral Code, the law on parties and the fight against corruption.

Georgi Tsereteli expressed his full support for ongoing democratic reforms in Armenia.

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