Discussion on Rise of Efficiency of Cooperation in Combating Violence against Women and Children
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On March 12, on the initiative of the RA NA deputy Gayane Abrahamyan a discussion on the challenges of the fight against domestic violence and the protection of the persons subjected to violence.

The Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee Arsen Ayvazyan, the Head of the Department of the Protection of the Rights of the Under-aged Children and Combating against Domestic Violence of Police Nelli Duryan and the representatives of about 15 human rights NGOs attended the meeting.

The goal of the discussion was to promote the rise of the efficiency of cooperation between law defending NGOs, law enforcement and legislative bodies.

Welcoming the guests Gayane Abrahamyan has noted that combating against domestic violence needs comprehensive and systemized solutions and, according to the MP, in this respect the continuous cooperation with concerned NGOs and state bodies is important.

The attendees discussed the gaps of the legislative field regulating the domestic violence, the procedural problems of the cases’ examination and their possible solutions.