At Extraordinary Sitting of RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs
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On September 4, the extraordinary sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs moderated by Vladimir Vardanyan was held, during which the draft law on Making Amendment and Addenda to the law on Ensuring the Sanitary-Epidemiological Security of the Population of the Republic of Armenia and the enclosed draft package was debated.

The key speaker the RA First Deputy Minister of Justice Rafik Grigoryan has noted that the package of draft laws is aimed at the effective implementation of the fight against epidemics after the end of the state of emergency. As he has noted, a toolset is necessary for continuing the fight.

According to the speaker, with the amendments being proposed, the acting legislation is in general regulated and improved in the epidemiological situations.

The MPs presented a number of recommendations of inclusive and technical character.

Highlighting the necessity of the adoption of the legislative package, the co-rapporteur Vladimir Vardanyan has stated that it corresponds with the international standards and has underlined that during the period from the first to the second reading amendments will be made, taking into consideration the presented recommendations.

On the same day, the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs convened one more extraordinary sitting to discuss the abovementioned legislative package in the second reading.

In his main report the RA First Deputy Minister of Justice Rafik Grigoryan touched upon the recommendations and the amendments made on its basis, detailing which recommendations were accepted, and which – not. It was noted that the NA deputy Narek Zeynalyan and the NA Prosperous Armenia Faction presented recommendations in written form.

As a result of debates, the legislative package was endorsed by the Committee.

National Assembly Convenes Extraordinary Session
On September 4, the RA National Assembly convened an extraordinary session, having one legislative initiative on the agenda. By the decision of the parliament the legislative package authored by the Government was discussed in the special procedure: after passing in the first reading it was discusse...