Report on Inquiry Committee Works Accepted as Information
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At March 4 sitting, the Chair of the Inquiry Committee for Studying the Activities of the Water Committee of MEINREA (Ministry of Energy Infrastructure and Natural Resources of the Republic of Armenia), its Structural Subdivisions and Activities of ORP (Office for Realizing Programs), of Water Economy of the State Committee of Water Economy of MEINREA (Ministry of Energy Infrastructure and Natural Resources of the Republic of Armenia) in Ararat and Armavir provinces, to study its substantiation and problems presented the works done by the Inquiry Committee.

The Inquiry Committee studied the strategy of improving the financial stability of the irrigation sphere approved by the government. The rapporteur has noted that the indices planned as a result of strategy design reducing numbers on current financing, but some expenditure articles envisage a rather percentage growth. It is remarkable that the index of the total expenditures will approach only in 2021 to the starting figures of 2016. “The table of the purposeful indices of this strategy is more like the expenditure re-distribution table, than the program aimed at the improving the financial stability of the irrigation sphere,” Vardanyan noted.

The report was accepted as information.

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